Miscellaneous Things We Find Amusing
Efff! Euphemism for the "F-word" that we use as often as Eddie Murphy used the actual word in Raw. feenin' Craving intensely, as in, "Ms. Roberts was feenin' for a cigarette, so that's why she's so bitchy," or "Joe's feenin' for sex, so it's lucky he's getting married in a week." “Danny Boy” Irish folksong that inexplicably played for 45 minutes on the way to Fouke after everyone had fallen asleep except for Brent Roberts. He whimpered in agony until the bus hit a groove in the road and the CD stopped. Golden Statue of Michael Jackson With Bubbles the Monkey Sitting On His Lap In Chicago, we saw a poster of a golden statue of Michael Jackson with Bubbles the Monkey sitting on his lap. We took it off the bulletin board and kept it for ourselves, of course. Vilonia stoplight Traffic light in Vilonia, Arkansas, which Mr. Davis has been known to run in the wee morning hours. Whether this is because he was very tired or just thought he could get away with, we will never know.
The Bald Knob High School Quiz Bowl
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about the quiz bowl team itself should be directed to Bradi